护理 Accelerated Program

The dual MBA/MSN degree presents students with a fulfilling career trajectory, seamlessly blending healthcare and business. 该计划不仅为领导角色提供了机会,而且还提高了收入潜力,同时赋予个人在医疗保健行业内催化积极变化的能力. This dual degree program provides a comprehensive and impactful education, further strengthened by AHNCC endorsement. Skills learned include data analysis and decision making, quality improvement/patient safety, 卫生保健经济学, 变更管理, and information technology.

Empowering 引领ers in an Evolving Industry

Dual Degree Opportunity for 研究生


从临床和商业角度对医疗保健有深刻的理解, 毕业生在快速发展的医疗保健行业中变得非常宝贵,因为成本效益和质量护理至关重要. 该课程为学生提供了向首都护理学院和管理与领导学院的教师学习的机会. 学生将参加四门商业课程,作为MSN管理专业的一部分, then continue with MBA courses to complete the dual degree. While prospective students apply to both programs separately, faculty collaborate to ensure synergy between both fields of study, reinforcing the interconnectedness of healthcare and business education. 跨学科的方法不仅提高了学生的经验,也为毕业生提供了全面的技能, positioning them for success.

What can you do with a degree in this academic area?

  • Nurse Manager/Director
  • Chief 护理 Officer (CNO)
  • Healthcare Administrator
  • 项目经理
  • Healthcare Entrepreneur
  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Fortune 1000 Companies in Columbus


Years of 护理教育 Excellence


Major Healthcare Systems in Columbus


Experiential Learning

Experiential learning, complemented by clinical hours, 让学生在课堂外的实践中获得经验和观点. 学生与护理专业人士和商业领袖接触,以发展对医疗保健行业独特复杂性的理解. Through internships and other professional opportunities, 资本学生毕业时具备了在职业生涯中取得卓越成就所必需的实践技能和信心. 距离充满活力的首都哥伦布和更广泛的俄亥俄州中部仅几分钟路程, students have convenient access to a wealth of corporations, 小型企业, public and nonprofit enterprise, and complex hospital systems. 


资本’s commitment to collaboration among faculty, including those certified in holistic nursing, ensures that MSN/MBA dual degree students benefit from a holistic, 集成, 以及无缝融合医疗保健和商业专业知识的互联教育. 在医疗保健行业经历快速发展的时代,重点是成本效益和质量护理, our 研究生s emerge as contributors. 资本的跨学科方法不仅提高了学生的经验,而且赋予毕业生多才多艺的技能, strategically positioning them for success. Skills taught include data analysis and decision-making, quality enhancement and patient safety, 卫生保健经济学, 变更管理, and information technology proficiency.


威尼斯人平台的MSN项目获得了大学护理教育委员会(CCNE)的认证。, an accreditation agency officially recognized by the U.S. Secretary of 教育. CCNE, a constituent of the American Association of Colleges of 护理, ensures the quality and integrity of nursing baccalaureate, 研究生, and residency/fellowship programs.

威尼斯人平台管理与领导学院(SOML)获得了商学院和项目认证委员会(ACBSP)的认证。. 成立于1988年, ACBSP是一个全球性的商业教育认证机构,通过基于鲍德里奇卓越表现教育标准的认证过程,制定了卓越标准. By evaluating aspects of leadership, 战略规划, relationships with stakeholders, quality of academic programs, 教师证书, and educational support, ACBSP评估商业项目是否提供了严格的教育经验,并展示了对持续质量改进的承诺.

Master of Science in 护理 Program Concentrations

护理 Administration

In the 护理 Administration track, 课程侧重于领导力发展和技能建设,以促进专业间/内部团队合作和项目实施. 行政管理专业的毕业生将为在患者医疗保健领域担任高级护理管理和临床领导的角色做好准备, 质量与安全, and evidence-based practice. 课程还包括资本的MBA课程,这将通过扩展你的护理基础来补充你的教育,包括一个重要的领导视角. 这些课程为你在以后的职业生涯中自信地攻读MBA创造了机会, if that is of interest to you.



In the 教育 track, classes focus on topics and experiences that will prepare you for roles in nursing, continuing or higher education, or nursing staff development. 教育集中是护理专业人士谁有兴趣和热情教病人和家庭, mentoring and guiding nursing students, and educating fellow healthcare professionals. 我们的课程和讨论将探讨学习理论和评估护理教育的趋势. 你获得的技能和知识将使你成为一名护士教育工作者.


护理 Legal Studies

In the 护理 Legal Studies track, classes focus on the cross over and collaboration of nursing practice and the law. 法律研究专业的毕业生为风险管理/分析方面的工作做好准备, regulation/compliance, 卫生政策, and managing legal issues in the healthcare system. 作为一名法学专业的学生,你将在威尼斯人平台法学院学习一些课程. 这将威尼斯人平台你一个独特的机会来学习法律,并考虑在未来某个时候攻读法律学位的可能性.


质量 & 安全

成为质量和安全方面的专家在护理专业的各个领域都是必不可少的. 这个MSN浓度为您提供关键知识和实践经验,使用数据来检查全球健康趋势,以领导将影响患者护理和增强医疗保健的变革举措. 我们的课程让您有机会与绩效和流程改进(PPI)项目的跨学科专家一起工作,并获得医疗质量和安全方面的先进经验.


Post-Graduate 护理教育

For nursing professionals seeking to move into an advanced practice role, 资本 offers a Certificate of 护理 option. 有兴趣的候选人必须具有护理学硕士学位和成人临床专业背景. 证书课程包括课程作业和500小时的临床经验. 毕业生将获得成人和老年人健康促进和疾病管理方面的专业知识,并成为技术娴熟的领导者,其工作重点是改善成人老年学人群的护理.


  • 管理经济学
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Evidence-Based 护理 Administration Parts I & II
  • Production/Operations Management
  • 业务 Policy and Strategy
“A large part of what drew me to 资本 was the welcoming campus environment. 与其他学生一起上课的想法是他们硕士课程的独特吸引力. 我的经验使我有能力营造一个专业的环境,对留住护士产生积极的影响, 满意度, 和参与.”

- Jessica Miller, Administrative Nurse Manager. MSN/MBA, Class of 2021